2025 tuomariesittelyt

Kaisa Gold

Kaisa Gold

Olen kasvanut staffiperheessä ja ensimmäiset omat koirat olivat staffi, amstaffi ja jackrusselinterrieri. Aktiivinen koiranäyttelyharrastus alkoi 90-luvun alussa ja sen myötä kasvattaminen ensin russeleilla ja hieman myöhemmin amstaffeilla. Amstaffit ovat seuranneet mukana elämässä jo yli 35 vuotta ja maailmalle on lähtenyt pienimuotoisesta kasvatustyöstä n. 200 pentua.

Amstaffien rinnalla on kulkenut sk kettuterrieri, bostoneita ja 15 vuoden ajan pieniä ihastuttavia leijonakoiria, joita on myös joitakin pentueita syntynyt. Perheeseen kuuluu tyttären koirana myös reipas pieni pomeranian.

Tuomaroimisen myötä on koiramaku laajentunut ja on ollut todella mielenkiintoista perehtyä aivan uusien roturyhmien koiriin. Tuomaroimisen etuna onkin saada nauttia erilaisista roduista ilman, että niitä kaikkia tarvitsee löytyä omasta kodista.

Tuomarina olen saanut arvostella paljon ympäri maailman ja nähdä koiramaailmaa ja koirakulttuuria eri näkökulmista. Suomesta on ollut erityisen hienoa ponnistaa maailmalle, sillä tuomarikoulutuksemme ja meidän laaja rotuvalikoima on antanut hyvän pohjan harrastukselle. 


Francisco Salvador Janeiro, Portugal

Francisco Salvador Janeiro, Portugal

Born in Alentejo (POR), he began his cynological journey in 1968 with the acquisition of a female German Shepherd. In 1974 he acquired a female of the Dobermann breed, a breed with which he began the Breeding registration name at the FCI as "Casabranca". He bred Dobermanns until 2001. During the same years he also bred Portuguese Water Dogs. In both races he was very successful and won several Champion titles. He showed his dogs until 1983, the year he began his career as a judge. As a presenter he covered almost all races. He also dedicated himself to other breeds such as Miniature Schnauzers, Saint Bernards, Dachshunds, English and American Cocker Spaniels and Irish Setters. The last breed he created was a Miniature Pinscher until 2014. Today he has a female Dobermann and 2 Miniature Pinschers for company. He held management positions at the Portuguese Kennel Club, Breed Club and Vice- President of the Portuguese Kennel Club. As a breeder, he won several awards for both the Portuguese Water Dog and the Portuguese Water Dog, being awarded the Trophy for Best Breeder of Portugal and Spain.


Claudio De Giuliani, Italy

Claudio De Giuliani, Italy

I was born in Forno di Zoldo, a little village in the Dolomites, a fine area known in the world for its mountains. In my life I have always had the dogs as my companion: when I was a child and I joined my father in the hunting and later when I became a hunt, before with a hound, later with a pointing dog. I have breed at first the German shorthaired pointer. It was 70s! My great love for the German breeds did know to me also the German longhaired pointer and I started to breed them; some of them become important in the show competitions and in the hunt. I was the first Italian breeder who imported the German longhaired pointer into Italy and I had the first Champion in Italy of this breed. I have many interests also for the German wirehaired pointer, but only as a lover and not as a breeder. I have always studied the pure  dogs  and I began to judge in the 1979. Now I am All Rounder since 2004. I was a delegate of the Italian Kennel Club in the C.I.D., (German Wirehaired Pointer dog) and was also a member of the pure breed book of the Italian Kennel Club. I was in the Italian Kennel Club Committee and in the Italian Judge Committee. Now I am in the FCI Judges Committee. I like writing articles regarding the dogs, I have written on the most popular Italian dogs’ magazine, and I have also written 12 books and I have made a video about the dogs training. I like the hunt and walking on the mountains and photographing the nature. With my wife Manuela I have been a good dachshund breeder, with a good success, with many show champions. I have already judged in all Europe countries, England, in Argentina, in Russia, in Mexico, in Venezuela, Peru, Colombia, Usa, Australia, New  Zeeland, Philippine, Tasmania, Thailand and South Africa, Japan, China. I have judged in the European Dog Show in Hungary, Croatia, Slovenia, Holland, Romania, Switzerland and Czech Republic in 2014 and in Norway in 2015, in Ukraine 2017, Poland 2018, Austria 2019, Slovenia 2021 and Hungary 2021 and France 2022. I have judged in   the WDS in Sweden 2008, Slovakia , Denmark, Austria,  Budapest, Helsinki in 2014, Milan 2015 and Moscow 2016, in Leipzig 2017 Holland 2018, in China 2019, in Czech Republic in 2021 and Spain in 2022. I will judge at the EDS 2023, Denmark, and WDS 2023 Switzerland. I will judge at the WDS in Croatia and at EDS in Slovenia.

 I have judged at Cruft and Eukanuba Challenge in USA in 2010.

 Some results: 

·        German Shorthaired Pointer: since  1970 until 1988; many Excellent in the dog Show and a few results in a field trial; I was in many German and Austrian Competition;

·        German Longhaired Pointer  : since   1976 until 1990; many Excellent in the dog Show and a few results in a field trial; one Italian Champion and one International Champion

·        Dachshund: since 1987; many Excellent in the dog Show ; some Italian Champion; International Champion, one Europe Champion; for two time, Vienna and Berna, Second Place with Reserve Cacib in a World Champion, two  Club Champion, Reserve Cacib Vienna 2005 European Dog Show 

In my house now Rhodesian Ridgeback and English setter.